Three Steps to Better Communication
"In my years of working with couples, families, and their kids, I have learned that most of us have common patterns that chip away at o
Simple Self-Care: Connecting with Nature
"Connecting with nature doesn’t necessarily have to be defined by weeklong hiking trips or becoming a hardcore mountain biker. Little s
Family Functioning: Connecting Through Love Languages
"Family connection can fluctuate for each member based on stressors, communication, and conflict. All families fight, but for many, it’
An Honest Approach to Self-Care
"I could make a well-organized list of bullet-point tips exhorting the virtues of acupuncture, massage therapy, daily exercise, reduced
Fitting Self-Care into Your Busy Schedule
"Try one small change today to see what happens. You may be surprised at how easily you’re able to incorporate self-care into your sche
Effective Communication (Even in Conflict)
"By far, the number one goal most people come to therapy for is to communicate better (followed closely by decreasing conflict)... If y
Seeking (and Keeping!) Motivation
"Many of us get great ideas and want to follow through on them, but sometimes the tedious work involved can drain our original motivati
Setting Yourself Up for Success
Whatever your goals, it’s important to put some S.M.A.R.T. guidelines in place to set yourself up for success.
Welcome, Garrett Hooper!
Trade Winds Therapy & Relationship Coaching is committed to continue bringing you and your family value through our services, workshops,
Are You Doing Self-Care Right?
"Doing self-care is even more challenging during the holidays because our time is increasingly more limited. We are constantly bombarde