Keeping Your **** Together When Everything’s Falling Apart
"We are all born to connect and we are never done learning, never done challenging ourselves. We're just never done growing and ada
Finding Solace in Sadness
"...misery thrives on loneliness and that solitude without peace only breeds more misery."
A Confession
​I have a confession to make. I've been a bit absent recently. Not just with my blogging here on my website, but in my life as well. To...
I’m SAD. Are you?
Here we are in mid-February. As I write this post, it is currently snowing outside and 27°F. Colorado weather is pretty crazy. Just two...
Stay Sane With Your Crazy Family During the Holidays
Let’s be honest. Many people dread the holidays because of their family. Everyone has at least one family member who drives you crazy...
Attention parents! You might need a timeout!
To continue the trend of my blog posts recently, I figured I'd address something that comes up quite frequently with parents I've worked...
10 Effective Stress Busters
Do you find yourself stressed out and stuck in a rut? Try out some of these healthy stress-reducing activities to get you back to feeling...