Training the Heart to Love: Four Qualities of Mindfulness for the Intimate Relationship
We boldly choose to question and fight for something more yet are left wondering… if not LOVE, then what?

Open Mouth, Insert Foot
Let me give you an inside glimpse into the mind of a therapist. Well… mine at least. I’ll tell you now that I am by no stretch of the imagin

Stop “Shoulding” On Yourself
"...When the action you are partaking in causes an internal battle that ultimately leads to inaction, the only one who can stop it is y

Communication and Teamwork as Parenting Partners
How do you keep your sanity as a parenting couple? Communication, checking in with each other, and practicing gratitude may be valuable keys

Finding Joy Through Positive Perception
Practicing intentional positivity to outweigh the negativity brought more joy and harmony to these people’s lives as well as decreased confl

It Takes a Village
I took this picture about a week ago. It's a little nest that a mama and papa bird built in a planter outside on my front porch. I've...
D.I.T. Plus a Bonus Offer!
Happy 2016! I took a little time off for the holidays and did some self-care while visiting family. I hope you all had a restful (not...
Thankfulness And Seeing The Positive
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I'm sure many of you have been thinking about what you are thankful for. I have been doing a...

A Confession
I have a confession to make. I've been a bit absent recently. Not just with my blogging here on my website, but in my life as well. To...

Signs You're In a Troubled Relationship: Silence
In my last blog post, I addressed lonliness as a sign that you may be falling into a troubled relationship. Feeling lonely while in a...